Preparing for tax season
Follow the four steps below to ensure a smooth, successful tax season with us!
Due dates for tax filing and extensions
2024 Tax Filing
S-Corp. & LLC - March 15, 2025
Individual & C-Corp. - April 15, 2025
Tax Filing Extension
S-Corp. & LLC - September 15, 2025
Individual & C-Corp. - October 15, 2025
01. Gather your tax documents
Below is a guideline of tax documents that might be needed to properly file your tax return.
Forms W-2 for wages, salaries, and tips.​
All Forms 1099 for interest, dividends, retirement, miscellaneous income, unemployment compensation, nonemployee compensation, Social Security, state or local refunds, gambling winnings, etc.
Brokerage statements.
Schedule K-1 showing income from partnerships, S corporations, estates and trusts.
Statements and receipts supporting qualified educational expenses, deductions or distributions, including any Forms 1098-T, 1098-E, or 1099-Q.
Forms 1095-A Health Insurance Marketplace Statement.
Statements supporting deductions for mortgage interest (Forms 1098), taxes, and charitable contributions (including any Form 1098-C).
Legal papers for adoption, divorce, or separation involving custody of your dependent children.
Six-digit Identify Protection PIN for use during calendar year 2024, if sent to you by the IRS.
Any tax notices sent to you by the IRS or other taxing authority.
A copy of your income tax return from last year, if not prepared by this office.
02. Getting us your tax documents
Drop Offs: You may drop off your tax documents during our office hours. No appointment is needed. If an appointment is preferred, please call the office. You may also drop off your tax documents outside of office hours by utilizing our secure lock box located on the front porch of our building.
Mail: We prefer you mail your tax documents to our PO Box rather than our physical address. PO Box 257 Bedford, VA 24523.
SmartVault: Upload your tax documents to the Source Documents folder. Located within the Source Document folder will be a client info sheet. Please take a moment to fill this out and save it back into the Source Document folder. This will help ensure we have the most up-to-date information on file.
03. Tax season office hours
January - May
Monday: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Tuesday: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Wednesday: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Thursday: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Friday: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Saturday Hours Starting February 17 - April 19
Saturday 9:00 - 1:00pm (Open for client pick up or drop off ONLY)
04. Familiarize yourself with SmartVault
If you wish to avoid making trips to the office, we will be happy to create a SmartVault account for you. This account will give you the ability to upload any tax documents, any requested documents, or pdfs, as well as provide you with the ability to view any past years' tax returns or documents.
Please contact us so we can send you a secure link to set up your account today!